When my doctor diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s (an underactive thyroid caused by an autoimmune disease), I felt both relieved and sad – relieved because I finally had an answer to why the weight was gradually piling on, why I had to spend most of my days in bed and why I suffered from skin… Continue reading FWBW 1: Meet Sarah Downing and Her Thyroid
Category: Flying With Broken Wings
The column I wrote for
FWBW 2: How Chronic Illness Affects Our Relationships Those of us who suffer from chronic illness know only too well how taxing it can be on our relationships with friends and family. How can we explain our disease to them so that they will truly understand? What can we learn from our own experiences and those of others? When it comes to… Continue reading FWBW 2: How Chronic Illness Affects Our Relationships
FWBW 3: Making The Most of Life With Chronic Illness When we’re first confronted with that dreadful realization that we have been diagnosed with a chronic illness and that chronic means we will have to deal with it for the rest of our lives, our initial reactions are often shock, fear, sadness and anger. Many people feel as if they are being punished and… Continue reading FWBW 3: Making The Most of Life With Chronic Illness
FWBW 4: Help! I’m turning into a Man (Updated article! See italics) (Update: I wrote this article as a result of my now former gynecologist diagnosing me with PCOS. It was written when I just started treatment. As a result, I didn’t know everything that I know now and the parts in italics are my updates to this. Meanwhile, I have reason to believe that I… Continue reading FWBW 4: Help! I’m turning into a Man (Updated article! See italics)
FWBW 5: Brightening Up Your Thyroid’s SAD Day In my mid-twenties, or perhaps even before then, I began to feel the urge to hibernate every winter. It seemed that I was never a morning person during the rest of the year, but in winter it got particularly bad. I was very sensitive to the change in seasons and I attributed my extra… Continue reading FWBW 5: Brightening Up Your Thyroid’s SAD Day