It seems most people I know, myself included, don’t enjoy being alone, so the natural instinct is to find a partner and how do you do this? You play the dating game. When you’re dating, self-esteem is particularly important, but when you are suffering from a chronic illness, this can really throw a spanner… Continue reading FWBW 6: In Sickness and in Health I said I don’t
Category: Flying With Broken Wings
The column I wrote for
FWBW 7: Difficult Diagnoses, Dimwit Doctors and Tricky Treatments One of the most popular topics on the Dear Thyroid message boards seems to be the struggle to get proper diagnosis and treatment. In my case, I had struggled with weight gain and tiredness for years before cottoning on to the fact that it might be my thyroid thanks to my mother finally letting… Continue reading FWBW 7: Difficult Diagnoses, Dimwit Doctors and Tricky Treatments
FWBW 8: Butterflies and Phoenixes I first stumbled across Dear Thyroid on New Year’s Eve of 2009 when I was reading Mary Shomon’s website and this website has undoubtedly been the dawn of a new era for me. For months, I had been searching for a support network where I felt able to be myself. I have found… Continue reading FWBW 8: Butterflies and Phoenixes
FWBW 9: Learning To Love Ourselves When a chronic illness such as thyroid disease and/or thyroid cancer strikes you down, it changes the way you see yourself, the way you look and your ability to live a normal life. Unsurprisingly, all this can be a heavy blow to your self-esteem. Today’s “ideal woman” is not only expected to look good,… Continue reading FWBW 9: Learning To Love Ourselves
FWBW 10: Magic Moments and Awesome Achievements In last week’s column, I talked about self-confidence and learning to love ourselves. As sufferers of one or more chronic illnesses, we often tend to be very hard on ourselves and today it is time to pat ourselves on the back and blow our own trumpets – not in a vain way, but in… Continue reading FWBW 10: Magic Moments and Awesome Achievements