Intuition MIA

Intuition, where have you gone? I want to be the star who shines on Tactless words shatter my confidence like glass Telling myself that this too shall pass Told to get a thick skin and toughen up From the very same people who are fucking me up Maybe you should think before you speak Because… Continue reading Intuition MIA

Angel Wings

Some people are like angel wings Wrapping you in love Their voice is soothing Like the cooing of a turtle dove Their words are filled with comfort Their thoughts are filled with care They seem to know just what you need And yet such people are rare So treasure them whene’er you meet them Because… Continue reading Angel Wings

Stony Roads

When life’s path is stony and rough And you want to give in ‘Cause you’ve had enough Forget the stones that are under your feet And remember the friends who are kind and sweet These are the ones who see through to your soul And make you feel complete and whole They believe in you… Continue reading Stony Roads

Crippling Insecurity

This goes out to all those people who have ever mocked, underestimated or discouraged me or others in order to make themselves feel better You’re insecure and desperate to hide Those crippling emotions that fester inside And so you choose to mock and deride To detract attention and puff out your pride You never learned… Continue reading Crippling Insecurity


Delegate if you have too much on your plate Otherwise stress will determine your fate Be kind to others But be kind to yourself For the sake of your own mental health