Color. It’s such a part of our lives that we don’t even think about it in a general sense. But boy, do we feel it! It’s so much a part of our world and has such an impact on our psyche that dozens of studies have been done on the effects it has on our… Continue reading Sassy Style Talk With AJ: Colour Your World Beautiful, by Anita Roberts
Tag: Anita Roberts
Sassy Style Talk With AJ: Stop The Presses. Help for Tresses, by Anita Roberts
Every morning I wake and stumble into the bathroom only to be confronted by one of my greatest frustrations. My hair. Just the thought of facing my follicles is anxiety inducing. I have thyroid disease. A notorious stressor of tresses. I also have RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), and take medication to control my immune system. Plaquenil… Continue reading Sassy Style Talk With AJ: Stop The Presses. Help for Tresses, by Anita Roberts
Sassy Style Talk With AJ: From Sleep-Deprived To Wide-Eyed In the Blink of an Eye, by Anita Roberts
How did you sleep? This is a question asked a million times over, every day. My household is no exception. Fatigue is a problem for everyone at some point, but for people with autoimmune illness it’s a constant curse. In fact, if you ask all of us what one of our most pressing issues is,… Continue reading Sassy Style Talk With AJ: From Sleep-Deprived To Wide-Eyed In the Blink of an Eye, by Anita Roberts