The Psychology of Food

Food is such a psychological thing. From the moment when we are children and are told to “eat our greens or we won’t grow up to be big and strong” or those of us who are bullied by our grandmothers to clean our plates and at the same time admonished by our fathers for being… Continue reading The Psychology of Food

The Courage of Our Convictions (of good Samaritans, baby bunnies, barnacles and birds)

Today, I’m going to write about the courage of our convictions. It’s often difficult knowing the right thing to do, but it can be even more difficult actually acting on this. This article was inspired by something very sad that happened to Corey and me on the day before my birthday. We were driving back… Continue reading The Courage of Our Convictions (of good Samaritans, baby bunnies, barnacles and birds)

Devastation of Cancer, by Dianna Y Bailey (pen name Yvette)

Today, I’m publishing a poem by my talented friend Dianna Bailey. I asked Dianna to write a bit about her background with chronic illness and how she came to this point. She feels she is still searching for her purpose in life, but believes that it is to help others get through things and understand… Continue reading Devastation of Cancer, by Dianna Y Bailey (pen name Yvette)