The Courage of Our Convictions (of good Samaritans, baby bunnies, barnacles and birds)

Today, I’m going to write about the courage of our convictions. It’s often difficult knowing the right thing to do, but it can be even more difficult actually acting on this. This article was inspired by something very sad that happened to Corey and me on the day before my birthday. We were driving back… Continue reading The Courage of Our Convictions (of good Samaritans, baby bunnies, barnacles and birds)

7 Lessons I have Learned from being Diagnosed with a Chronic Illness

  Be patient with yourself and know that you probably won’t get well overnight. It can take months and even years to experience some sense of normalcy again and some people never do, but they learn to adapt. Remember that life may never be the same again. Don’t be afraid to mourn your old life,… Continue reading 7 Lessons I have Learned from being Diagnosed with a Chronic Illness

Big Boobs, You are Beautiful (Busty Confessions and Titillating Tips)

Today, I’m going to write about a topic that’s close to my heart – namely that of “the girls”, tits, boobs, or whatever name you personally like to call them. I apologise in advance if these slang terms cause any offence – as the cunning linguist that I am (yes, we translators really do jokingly… Continue reading Big Boobs, You are Beautiful (Busty Confessions and Titillating Tips)

Interview with Toni Bernhard, Author of How To Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers

In 2001, Toni Bernhard was struck down by a mysterious virus during a trip to Paris. She never recovered. She now suffers from what she herself describes in her book as “the symptoms accompanying a severe flu, including the dazed sick feeling and low-grade headache, but without the fever, the sore throat and the cough.… Continue reading Interview with Toni Bernhard, Author of How To Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers