This article is dedicated to everyone who has just been diagnosed with a chronic illness, in particular those whom I know personally and have done my best to help. It is also dedicated to my dear friend Anita Roberts who never ceases to inspire me (and amaze me!) with her positive spirit and determination.… Continue reading 5 Tips for Dealing with a New Diagnosis
Tag: infections
Dr Jacob Teitelbaum and his Multi-Pronged Treatment Strategy for CFS, Fibromyalgia and Thyroid Disease (Part 1)
I first heard about Dr Jacob Teitelbaum, the specialist in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalitis (CFS/ME), fibromyalgia and thyroid disease, through Mary Shomon’s website. When I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and began doing my research, it soon became clear to me how important it is to use high-quality supplements when you have thyroid disease or… Continue reading Dr Jacob Teitelbaum and his Multi-Pronged Treatment Strategy for CFS, Fibromyalgia and Thyroid Disease (Part 1)